Everything we do in life is meant to glorify Him

“I don’t think the society’s definition of success is right. Our value should not be based on our ability or income. God’s love towards us will always remain the same regardless of our achievements.”—-YWAM Taipei 𝐒𝐁𝐒 student Nina, Taiwan
Among all the Bible characters, Stephen is one that inspired me the most. Even though his role at church was to only to distribute food, he still gave himself to God wholeheartedly, even to the point of martyrdom. His humility truly inspired me. The Society at large has always taught us that we need to achieve money or fame but God doesn’t see them as significant at all. He is more pleased with a willing heart that is obedient.
Studying the bible in 𝐒𝐁𝐒 helps me understand God’s Word better. Through knowing the truth, It has thus solidify my decision to follow Him. I’ve been thinking so much about how to have a “heart for missions.” Now, because I’m daily in His Word, I start to understand what it truly means to have a “heart for missions,” and that this is natural response to God’s love for us. I’m from a non-Christian family and in the beginning both my family and the world’s value decision in challenged my decision on following God. However, gradually after studying the word in SBS, knowing God more has increased my faith.
Before I became a Christian, I volunteered with YWAM surfing ministry. We would go to schools and retreats to teach children classes about surfing and water safety. I saw that these Christian volunteers would pray for the kids and other volunteers before each class. Witnessing these made me start wondering why they would love and care for others unconditionally. I realised their values in life are so different from the society norms and it triggered my curiosity to know more about God.
Before I became a believer, I thought having faith in God would be good for my personal growth and for the society to do some good and contribute to the society. However, now that I know God and what my faith is about more, my life focus is no longer about me. Everything I do is through should come from God’s love. His love helps me see people’s value. Because, truly at the end of the day, everything we do in life is meant to glorify Him.
▍To learn more, ask about our upcoming 𝐒𝐁𝐒 ❗️
➡️ https://ywamtaipei.com
📷: Lily Wang Photo @lilywangphoto @lily.wang.lin
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