YWAM Taiwan 35th year
Author: YWAM Taiwan National Director – Zalau
During Old Testament times, the people of Israel had a habit of setting up stone memorials in order to remember the marvelous works that God had done among them.
In 1983, Youth With A Mission placed its roots in Taiwan. This year marks the 35th year of God’s faithfulness in this land. We are dedicated to knowing God and making Him known through the areas of evangelism, discipleship, and sending people into frontier missions.
When looking back on the things God has done in Taiwan, we’re privileged to have witnessed 2,245 faithful servants of the Lord trained and equipped through our ministries. These individuals, coming from many different nations, have been sent out to every corner of the world to serve the people whom God loves. There is absolutely nothing we could have accomplished on our own; but, because of God’s power and might we have seen the Lord move in amazing, miraculous ways. However, we are not satisfied with this alone because we know that there are still unengaged and unreached people groups who need to hear the gospel. With that said, even greater things will be done by God. We look forward to working with God for another thirty-five years so that we can continue to know God more and to make Him known!We invite you to join us to fulfill the great commission.
“Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” – William Carey